Thursday, 1 March 2012

Digital Pictures

SUBJECT: Tired of Mediocre Digital Pictures?

If you’re like me, you’ve had your fair share of disappointments when trying to capture important memories in your life. Pictures come out too dark, blurry or just don’t look the way you’d hoped. You’d think with digital technology and the ability to preview pictures in the screen, it’d be a whole lot easier.

Well, the truth is, it’s not that complicated once you know what you’re doing.

It took me a while, but I finally figured it out when I discovered “Your Guide to Digital Photography” by Dan Feildman. After being completely frustrated for too long, I happened across his website and I instantly download his concise guide that takes you through:

- An overview of digital cameras, shopping for the right one for you and myths about digital photography.

- Learning to effectively use the features of your camera and tips for taking photos of various subjects in different lighting.

- Actually doing stuff with your pictures like editing, sharing and printing your photos.

- Advanced information like white balance, interpolation, digital zoom and a bunch more.

There’s even information on memory cards, travel equipment and making money with your hobby.

You can get more of the details at:

And that’s just the guide. There are some pretty cool extras that come with it, including some useful video tutorials, FAQs, comparing digital cameras and advanced techniques.

It all finally took the mystery out taking great digital photos – plus the important tasks of organizing and using the photos too. If you’ve got a memory card full of could-be-better shots or your hard drive is full of photos you don’t know what to do with, definitely grab a copy of the guide.

It’s available 24/7 at:

No more excuses for not taking GREAT digital shots.

Here’s to great photos,
Your Name
Faraz Khalid

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